Identifying a Minimum Digital Living Standard for households in the UK
New research has benchmarked a Minimum Digital Living Standard for households with children in the UK. A coalition led by the University of Liverpool worked with focus groups to identify basic requirements needed to feel included in digital society. It found that 4 in every 10 households with children did not meet the standard.
Minimum Digital Living StandardSalford launches a digital triage tool
Salford City Council is trialling a new Digital Help Finder, connecting local residents with resources to improve digital inclusion. The tool, which was developed by technology company Mortar, includes local and national directories of digital resources, training programmes and support services. It could provide a template for other local authorities.
Digital EveryoneDigital exclusion in public transport
Digital exclusion is a major and under-recognised problem in the public transport sector, as ticketing and transport information increasingly move online. This new article from the Welsh Parliament’s Senedd Research highlights issues with online-only approaches. It also looks at the difficulties posed by trying to access digital information ‘on the go’.
Senedd ResearchNew ITV program on digital exclusion
A recent episode of Tonight from ITV looks at digital exclusion in the UK. It asks, “What's happening to the millions of adults in the UK who lack the basic skills to access the internet?”
ITVWhat’s it like to be a refugee without internet access?
Joel Mordi tells his experience of fleeing persecution in Nigeria only to find himself on the wrong side of the digital divide in the UK. In this article and short documentary, he speaks of isolation and the difficulty of accessing legal and other support after his phone is taken and internet access becomes impossible, as part of the Guardian series 'The Digital Divide'.
The GuardianThe changing drivers of digital exclusion
A recent roundtable by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Digital Inclusion explored how the drivers of digital exclusion are changing in the UK today. The discussion focused on four themes, including the impact of AI and the cost-of-living crisis. Minutes are available to access via the link below.
Digital Inclusion APPGHampshire Council adopts Digital Future Strategy
Hampshire County Council has approved a Digital Future Strategy, which focuses on inclusion, infrastructure and leadership. Through it, the council commits to develop its own online services and support, as well as take action to ensure residents have the skills, knowledge and confidence to access services online.
Hampshire County Council