Resources for online training
Digital Communities Wales has launched a new hub for online training resources. It provides links to web-based digital inclusion resources and support, curated under useful headings such as health and wellbeing, inspiring digital activities, and online safety.
Digital Communities WalesElderly at risk of losing financial support from move to online
A new report from Age UK London warns that large numbers of older people are at risk of losing financial support due to growing emphasis on online services from local authorities. Almost a third of local authorities in London do not offer offline access to council tax reductions or housing benefit, it finds.
Age UK LondonShift to online rail services could exclude older people
This opinion piece in i newspaper explores the impact of the digitalisation of rail ticket services, amongst other issues. The government proposes closing or repurposing 980 ticket offices, which would have a disproportionate impact on the elderly, many of whom are not online.
i newsDownload this adaptable model for community-based digital inclusion
In December, 100% Digital Leeds launched its model for a community-based approach to digital inclusion. It has stages and steps that can be followed and adapted by council officers for their own interventions. Download now.
100% Digital LeedsThe scale of digital inclusion in the UK workforce
Lots of useful statistics in FutureDotNow's annual review about digital inclusion in the UK workforce. FutureDotNow is a coalition focusing on building a digitally confident and capable workforce. It estimates basic digital skills gaps are costing the UK economy £12.8bn every year.