• Staying safe online – the basics

    It’s essential for novice users to understand the risks, and have simple ways to protect themselves without feeling that they have no control over their safety.

  • Computing good practice for small organisations

    Almost all businesses now have to rely on computers for at least part of their work. Here’s how you can keep your data safe while allowing people to get on with their jobs.

  • Setting up a website and email for small businesses and organisations

    Every organisation can benefit from a dedicated website to show its services, and a custom email address to pick up messages. It’s easier than you think to get started, and this chapter covers the basics.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance tips

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can feel a bit intimidating, especially if you’re a new or very small organisation. Here’s some simple tips to get started.

  • Affordable devices and connectivity

    TechResort has been working on ways to bring down the cost of devices and connectivity locally. We’re speaking to a local internet service provider, and our credit union.

  • How to pick the best computer

    There’s so many computer options out there, it’s hard to know where to start. We’ve created this simple guide to help.

  • Getting online at home

    The COVID-19 lockdowns of 202 and 2021 led to many more people using the internet at home to complete work, and access vital services remotely. Here’s a handy guide you can share with people who’re getting online at home for the first time.

  • Computer, tablet and phone options

    TechResort is asked for computer, tablet and phone recommendations all the time. We generally avoid recommending specific kit as depends on the client’s needs, skill level, connectivity and budget. Here’s a few pointers to help you arrive at a good answer for every situation.

  • Computer terms explained

    Have you ever been asked to explain a computer term in a way that most will understand? Help is at hand – we use this glossary in all of our work, and it’s come in very handy at times!

  • How to set up a socially distanced 1:1 workstation

    We were able to run some socially distanced digital inclusion sessions during the 2020/21 COVID-19 lockdown, and created this set up using easy to source kit. The computers and peripherals are standard, you just need long cables.

  • Useful (and free) digital software

    We’re regularly asked for software recommendations as more people have needed to work remotely and online. Here’s a list to get you started, including video conferencing and document management suggestions.

  • Cloud tools explained

    The days of buying software on a disc and installing it on your computer are fading. Now, most types of software are available on the web – just visit a website, create an account and get going.

  • Video tips: Windows, email and Zoom

    Everyone needs high quality digital skills, now more than ever. So we’ve started to create free training videos covering the questions we’re asked most.